Hi Neighbour,
Another two weeks have flown by– snowy ones I should add! We’re working hard with City services to ensure the timely and efficient snow plowing and salting across the Ward. Thanks to everyone for their patience during these snow-filled days. On the brightside, it’s toboggan season! With the season finally feeling like winter, I hope everyone has been able to get out and enjoy the winter paradise. I know I have enjoyed being outside with my family, taking time to enjoy Beaches-East York in all its winter glory.
Here at City Hall we have been ramping up, preparing for our first Council meeting happening on February 7. If you’re interested in following along, click here to see the live streams of all Council and Committee meetings. A lot of important discussions will be happening, from making CafeTO a permanent program to the installation of bike lanes on Yonge Street and budget approval, you won’t want to miss out.
Now that folks have settled into the rhythm of 2023, community events are in full swing and I am excited to get out and meet more of you in person. Make sure you don’t miss out on all the fun; follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to get the latest updates from City Hall and on events and programs in Beaches – East York. Check out below to learn about what we’re working on at City Hall, and what’s going on across the Ward.

– Brad

In This Issue
Updates & Announcements from City Hall
- First Planning & Housing Committee Meeting 🆕
- CampTO Registration Opening Soon 🆕
- Toronto Small Business Grant Programs 🆕
- 2023 Budget Launch
- 2023 Budget: Housing
- City’s Skate Lending Library
- Winterlicious is back!
- Vacant Home Tax – Deadline Approaching
- Winter Service Program Updates
- Vaccine & Health Updates 🆕
- Mentoring Circle for Entrepreneurs – Feb 2 🆕
- CC55 Pasta Night – Feb 3 🆕
- East End Budget Town Hall – Feb 3 🆕
- The Naval Club of Toronto: 88th birthday – Feb 4
- Jazz & Reflection with Faith Amour – Feb 4 🆕
- Seniors Active Living & Lifestyles Fair – Feb 9
- Music for the Soul with Gillian Stone – Feb 18 🆕
- Community Skate Day with your Councillor – Feb 19
- Greg Frewin Magic Show & Dinner – Feb 23 🆕
- CC55 Soup Competition – March 2 🆕
- Beaches Easter Parade – April 9 🆕
Community Programs & Employment
- Free Pre- Apprenticeship Programs – Centennial College 🆕
- Canadian Youth Climate Action Award 🆕
- Summer Youth in Policing Program 🆕
- East End Writers Group
- TD Park People Grant
- Community Centre 55 Schedule
- Lunge and Learn
- Seniors Assistance Home Maintenance Program Running Again
- SCHC Hospice Palliative Care Volunteers Needed
- Michael Garron Share the Heart Campaign 🆕
- Winter Coyote Sightings 🆕
- Taylor Creek Trail: Construction Complete! 🆕
- Prevent Frozen Pipes 🆕
- Winter Stations Art Installations Revealed
- Stan Wadlow Playground Survey
- Sanitary Trunk Sewer Protection work in Taylor Massey Creek, East of Dawes Road 🆕
- Lakeshore Blvd East Construction Update 🆕
- Sewer Upgrades – Various Locations
- Watermain Replacement on O’Connor Drive from Northline Road to Sunrise Avenue
- Toronto Hydro Underground Electrical Upgrade; Project Yardley – O’Connor
- O’Connor Drive Improvements
- Intersection Improvement Works at Coxwell Avenue and Dundas Street East
- Toronto Hydro – Overhead Civil & Electrical Upgrade; Project Danforth
Thanks for taking the time to read my bi-weekly newsletter! If you have any events, news, or ideas to share for our next one – please reach out to my office. Send me an email at [email protected], and we can get you included in our next issue.
Updates & Announcements from City Hall
First Planning and Housing Committee of the Term 🆕
Last week marked the first Planning and Housing Committee meeting of the Term, and we are off to a great start. Committee members approved the decision to have City staff provide regular status updates on each priority development application currently being reviewed through Concepts to Keys. This program aims at improving and streamlining the development process for new housing applications. These improvements, which will benefit the development industry, City staff and the public, are being rolled out incrementally so that they can be tested and refined before being implemented on a wider scale.
We’re moving ahead on the Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator, which is an expedited process for reviewing developments here at the City. If successful at Council in February, City staff will be asked to produce a feasibility report for applying the Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA) tool to Housing Now sites, Modular housing and Toronto Community Housing sites. This tool will allow us to move ahead on affordable housing projects faster.
CampTO registration opening soon! 🆕
The City’s CampTO and Adapted CampTO programs are back this summer! Program listings are available to view online to help residents prepare for city-wide registration, which opens at 7 a.m. on Saturday, February 11.
CampTO is an exciting camp experience for children ages four to 16 years and offers a variety of camp types, including traditional day camp experiences, dance, drama, music, arts and crafts, as well as indoor, outdoor and nature-based activities. New this summer, the City will introduce CampTO Explore, a traditional day camp experience with the added benefit of an excursion to a popular Toronto attraction. Find CampTO program and registration information at www.toronto.ca/camps.

Toronto Small Business Grant Programs 🆕
This winter, the City and funding partners are making more than $5.4 million in funding available to help eligible local small businesses. New streams of applications are now open for the Main Street Innovation Fund and Commercial Space Rehabilitation Grant Program. The newly launched Transit Expansion Construction Mitigation Grant Program is also now open to Business Improvement Areas (BIAs), non-profit organizations and charities. More information is available at www.toronto.ca/BusinessSupport.

2023 Budget Launch
The City of Toronto’s rate and tax-supported 2023 operating and capital budgets were tabled at Budget Committee January 10 for consideration, review and recommendation. The proposed budgets protect frontline services in the face of a challenging financial year and make much-needed investments in housing, transit, emergency services and public safety while managing affordability by keeping property tax and user fee increases below the rate of inflation. Toronto residents and business are encouraged to provide comments and feedback to Budget Committee in person, online or in writing, and to Members of Council in writing.
More information is provided on the City’s 2023 Budget webpage: www.toronto.ca/budget.

2023 Budget: Housing
2023 will be for big and bold steps towards more affordable housing in Toronto. The 2023 budget proposal sets us up for making $2 billion in key investments for critical programs across Toronto and marks another step in building a City for us all. Investments include:
$7.08M for EPIC, a program that works to prevent unlawful evictions & protect vulnerable tenants
$18.85M for MURA, which protects existing affordable housing units
$146M for City’s Housing Secretariat which works on dozens of programs across the city including housing development, revitalization, and improvement

City’s Skate Lending Library
The Skate Lending Library is a City of Toronto winter sport program, in partnership with Desjardins Financial Group, to support and engage children, youth, families and adults in skating across Toronto. The mobile lending library will visit various locations across the city, providing access to skates, helmets and skating aids so all Toronto residents can try this Canadian winter past time. Learn more at www.toronto.ca/SkateLending

Winterlicious is back!
Travel the world with your taste buds! Gather with friends and family and savour delicious three-course prix fixe lunch and dinner menus at more than 220 local restaurants from January 27 to February 9.
This year’s Winterlicious program aims to support the recovery and revival of Toronto’s restaurants while providing the enticing experiences and delectable food that restaurant-goers have come to expect from the popular Winterlicious program.
Reservations are open now! Browse restaurants and menus at www.toronto.ca/winterlicious.

Vacant Home Deadline – Deadline Approaching
As part of the implementation of the Vacant Home Tax, all Toronto residential property owners are required to submit a declaration of their property’s 2022 occupancy status by Thursday, February 2. Though all homeowners must make this declaration, the tax will not apply to most Toronto residents. Property owners who live in their own homes, or who live in their homes but work abroad or vacation during parts of the year (“snowbirds”), and those who rent out their property will not be subject to the tax.
The quickest and easiest way to submit a declaration of occupancy status is through the secure online portal. Find more details, including allowable exemptions, at www.toronto.ca/VacantHomeTax.

Winter Service Program Updates
What’s New This Winter Season? The 2022-2023 Winter Services Program has many new elements that will be rolled out for the first time in Toronto:
New Winter Contracts for first time in 7 years
Modernizing Processes for Work Orders, Services Requests and
Investigations Leveraging Technology to Increase Accountability
Heightened Coordination with Councillors and City Partners
New Communications Strategy
Vaccine & Health Updates
ETHP’s Cold, Flu and COVID-19 Clinic (Now Open to Adults) 🆕
Our Cold, Flu and COVID-19 Clinic in Thorncliffe Park now serves children, youth and adults.
The clinic provides care for everyone aged three months and older who is experiencing cold, flu and COVID-19 symptoms, including fever, cough, runny nose and sore throat, when their family doctor or other primary care provider is not available.
More information about ETHP’s Cold, Flu and COVID-19 Clinic, including hours and how to book an appointment, is available at tehn.ca/ColdFluClinic. You can also download a flyer to help promote the clinic in your community.
Pharmacies can now prescribe for 13 common minor health concerns 🆕
The Government of Ontario announced pharmacists across the province are now able to prescribe medication for some of the most common minor health concerns. These include hay fever, oral thrush, pink eye, dermatitis, menstrual cramps, acid reflux, hemorrhoids, cold sores, impetigo, insect bites and hives, tick bites, sprains and strains, and urinary tract infections (UTIs).
In addition, pharmacists continue to have the ability to prescribe the antiviral Paxlovid pill for people who are at higher risk of being hospitalized from COVID-19. These services are available at no extra cost to Ontarians at their local pharmacy.
We encourage you to share this information with your friends, family and loved ones so we can raise awareness of this easier, faster and more convenient way for people to access healthcare in East Toronto.
Health Access Taylor-Massey (HATM) Now Open in Crescent Town!
Health Access Taylor-Massey (HATM), a new healthcare, community and social services centre, is now open in Crescent Town! It offers connections to services and resources, including COVID-19 supports, to people who live in the Taylor-Massey neighbourhood and surrounding areas.
The goal is to improve the health and well-being of local residents by making it easier for people to find the care they need in one place that is close to home. The diverse team of healthcare providers includes family doctors, nurses, mental health counsellors, a resource navigator and others.
Vaccine Appointments
Local appointments can be booked in advance at www.tehn.ca/covid19/covid-19-vaccinecineAppointment. You can also use the provincial booking system online or at 1-833-943-3900.
Local Events
Mentoring Circle for Entrepreneurs 🆕

To register for the event click on this link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/mentors-circle-for-entrepreneurs-tickets-521534833727
CC55 Pasta Night 🆕
Hope you’re hungry because Community Centre 55 Pasta Night is back! For only $8, you can enjoy a three course meal alongside some great company. Happening February 3rd at Community Centre 55 (97 Main Street), beginning at 5:30pm. Register by Feb 1 to save your seat at the table. Registration details below

East End Budget Town Hall 🆕
Join me, Councillor Paula Fletcher and Councillor / Budget Committee Chair, Gary Crawford on Friday February 3 to learn more about the 2023 Budget and ask your questions! The Town Hall will be held at the East York Civic Centre from 6 – 8pm.

The Naval Club of Toronto: 88th Birthday Celebration
The Naval Club of Toronto is celebrating its 88th birthday on Saturday February 4th from noon until 6 pm!
Located at 1910 Gerrard St. E (just west of Woodbine Ave), we are inviting the community to join us for an open house. Come by and join us for a slice of birthday cake and bowl of chili and see what the club is all about!
The club is currently regularly open Fridays and Saturdays – from noon until 6 pm.
For more information visit us at our website navalcluboftoronto.com or give us a shout at 416 924 2811
Jazz & Reflection with Faith Amour 🆕
Join jazz vocalist Faith Amour and guitarist Eric St. Laurent for an afternoon of pure musical delight in our Main Hall. Free / by donation Saturday, Feb 4th from 4:30pm-5:30pm.
Seniors Active Living & Lifestyles Fair 🆕
Community Centre 55 is thrilled to be once again hosting a Seniors Active Living & Lifestyles Fair on Thursday, February 9 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Beaches Sandbox located at 2181 Queen St E, Toronto, ON. M4E 1E5.
This is a free event for all to attend. It will include exhibitors, active classes, presentations, workshops and refreshments throughout the day! See flyer attached. A detailed schedule for the event will be sent out shortly.
No registration required.

Music for the Soul with Gillian Stone 🆕
Join Beach Unite Church for an intimate and stripped-down performance from Gillian Stone, whose music draws from post-rock, folk, ambience, and minimalism. Free / By Donation. Saturday, Feb 18th from 4:30pm-5:30pm
Community Skate Day with your Councillor
Join my office on February 19th, for our annual Skate with your Councillor event! Bring your family and friends to Ted Reeves Arena from 10am – 1pm for a day of fun and meeting your neighbours. Hope to see you there!

Greg Frewin Magic Show & Dinner 🆕

Get your tickets here. For more information, call Community Centre 55 at 416-691-1113
CC55 Soup Competition 🆕
Warm up with some delicious soups at Centre 55’s Annual Soup Tasting Competition in March! Sample soups from your favourite local restaurants.

Beaches Easter Parade 🆕
Join us for this year’s 57th Beaches Easter Parade on Sunday, April 9, 2023 as we bring Queen St. E to life with colour, music, family fun and entertainment. This year is sure to be the biggest and best one yet!
Registration is now open! Please follow the link to register: https://www.beacheseasterparade.ca/registration
Registration ends March 31st. We look forward to having you participate once again in this year’s 57th Annual Beaches Easter Parade!

Community Programs & Employment
Free Pre-Apprenticeship Programs 🆕
Please see below for tuition-free programs, and a $10,000 tuition fee and relocation reimbursement opportunity available at the School of Transportation, Centennial College.
Automotive Service Technician Program
Centennial College’s Pre-Apprenticeship program is your first step to an in-demand career as Automotive Service Technician and Truck and Coach Technician. Funded by the Government of Ontario, this program was created to be a transitional step towards finding an apprenticeship.
Start Date: April 3, 2023.
Program Highlights
- No tuition fees are required to take this program.
- Basic tools and textbooks are provided for you.
- It’s a condensed program, which can be completed in 33 weeks.
- A 12-week paid work placement is included as part of the program.
Airframe Assembly program
In the Airframe Assembly program, you’ll obtain the knowledge and skills to perform complex airframe assembly, as required by the aviation manufacturing industry.
Program Highlights
- Jobs are available for Centennial Airframe Assembly graduates! Apply Now!
- Get an exciting job at Bombardier in Montreal via Centennial’s Airframe Assembly program
- Bombardier will provide $10,000 in tuition reimbursement and relocation costs to eligible graduates receiving 85% or higher grades, and are willing to relocate to Montreal.
Program Start Date: February 6th, 2023

Canadian Youth Climate Action Award 🆕
Pivot Green has opened up applications for the Canadian Youth Climate Action Award, in partnership with Small Change Fund. More information and the application form may be found on our website http://pivotgreen.ca/award. Applications will be accepted up to March 25, 2023.

Summer youth in Policing Program 🆕
The Youth in Policing Program (YIPI) enhances the link between the police and the neighbourhoods we serve. This initiative gives young people an opportunity to develop job skills while fostering positive partnerships with the Toronto Police Service. Youth, ages 15 to 18, who reside in a Neighbourhood Improvement Area in the city, are employed all year, working alongside police officers and civilian staff in a wide range of roles. The program is not unique to Toronto and is a partnership between the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and approximately 22 police agencies provincially. Click here to learn more and apply.
Application for our Summer program will close on Sunday February 5, 2023.

East End Writers Group
Join the East End Writers Group: a writing critique group for new and published writers. Meeting in the S. Walter Stewart library, join on the fourth Wednesday of every month. Next meeting is February 22. Check out the flyer below to learn more!

TD Park People Grant
TD Park People Grants program just launched! The program supports 72 community groups across Canada to animate their local park with activities focusing on environmental education, sustainability and stewardship. The funded community groups will get a $2000 grant to host 3 park-based events and activities in the following cities:Greater Toronto Area, Montreal, Metro Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Halifax, National Capital Region (Ottawa-Gatineau), Winnipeg, and Quebec City.
Applications close on February 20. Visit the website to get all of the details, the application form and helpful event ideas.

Community Centre 55 Schedule

CLASS DESCRIPTIONS: All classes will start the week of January 9, unless indicated otherwise.
CENTRE STAGE: If you would like to discover your “star-on-stage” quality, then join us for this fun, interactive program that will also benefit our interpersonal and presentation skills as well as giving a boost for our confidence. Experience improv exercises, how to use our voices for play reading as well as express our body language skills. There will be an opportunity to create characters, do role plays with them and also to write short scenes to read and act out. So, let’s raise the theatre curtain and enjoy the standing ovation!
CHAIR YOGA: This is a gentle workout where you start with a seated meditation and move to stretch and strengthening exercises for 30 mins. Another 30 mins will be standing, working on balancing and a yoga flow series moving mindfully while breathing.
COMPUTER WORKSHOPS: Join in to learn more about various computer programs and applications on your phone and device. Topics will include troubleshooting, specific technical assistance, setting up an email address, helpful websites, apps, computer and smartphone tips & tricks and much more. *Bring your own device or use one of ours. See flyer for topics and dates.
FITNESS: 1-hour fitness classes for seniors includes cardio, balance, strength and flexibility training for older adults. Get energized, get stronger and improve your quality of life.
FITNESS WITH EVONNE (ZOOM): Click the Zoom link and join Evonne for a 1-hour live Zoom fitness class. Dates offered> TBA
FITNESS RECORDING (ZOOM): Click the Zoom link and leave your email address in the chat. Staff will send you a link to view the video.
FRENCH CONVERSATION GROUP: Bienvenue! We welcome all who wish to practice French conversation in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Intermediate level recommended.
GAMES CLUB: Looking for people to pay with? Scrabble, Dominoes, Cards, Euchre, join us for some fun and refreshments.
GROOVE FIT: 45 minutes of dance fitness to music from various music genres with choreography accessible to all. DANCE LIKE NO ONE’S WATCHING!!!
KNITTING GROUP: All levels welcome. Join us for some warm camaraderie, socializing and the clicking of knitting needles.
LINE DANCING: Dance to a variety of musical styles, country, pop and more. No advanced dances in this medium-paced class. A line dance is a choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps. Unlike circle dancing, line dancers are not in physical contact with each other.
MAT PILATES: Is a strengthening and lengthening form of exercise that focuses on your core (abs/spine) muscles while also training your arms and legs. This is a gentle Pilate’s class. Classes start lying on our backs and rolling onto our bellies or sides to right and left with small movements focused on targeted muscles moving slowly with control.
TAI CHI: Tai chi movements are steady and slow, shifting from one side to the other with coordinating upper body movements. These movements help the core regain balance, strength, endurance, flexibility and reduces the risk of falling for seniors.
TRIVIA (ZOOM): Six categories—arts, science, general, geography, history and entertainment—and then a virtually endless slew of questions in each. It’s super easy to play: we host, share the screen with the group and reveal answers. >JUST CLICK ON THE LINK
UKULELE: Intermediate and beginner ukulele classes continuing the program started at Centre 55 several years ago. For more information, contact Cheryl at [email protected]
UKULELE JAM SESSION: Do you have a ukulele and are looking for people to JAM with? This is for you!
WEBINARS & IN-PERSON PRESENTATIONS: check your email for various webinars and in-person presentations. Topics will include everything from health to fashion.
WRITE YOUR LIFE STORIES: Have you ever thought about writing down the unique, personal stories of your life? In this supportive, fun and relaxed atmosphere, we will practice writing positive life stories. Conversations and prompts will stimulate our memories for writing. There will be time to read our stories and listen to each other’s work (optional) for our enjoyment, giving encouraging feedback about our work. This program is for beginner or experienced writers, the curious, those who would like to enjoy their life memories and even want to share these stories with family members/friends. It’s also relaxing, a stimulating memory exercise and a great hobby. Just bring a pen and a notebook!
PHONE 416-691-1113
Lunge and Learn
Communtiy Centre 55 is excited to announce their new program for adults over 50 that they’e hosting in partnership with our friends at East End Community Health Centre!
It is called the Lunge and Learn program, and will be hosted at Centre 55 every Friday for 6 weeks by professionals from East end Community Health Centre. The class includes one hour of gentle fitness, followed by a one-hour learning session which will cover a range of topics aimed at keeping you healthy and happy. The program is totally free, but we do ask that you email or call to reserve a spot in the class.
Dates: Every Friday from January 13th to February 17th
Time: 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm (1 hour gentle fitness + 1 hour learning session)
Location: Community Centre 55 – 97 Main Street, Toronto ON
Cost: FREE!
Learning Sessions:
Session 1-Financial Planning and Advance Care Planning
Session 2 – Cooking on a budget
Session 3- Brain Booster
Session 4 – Mental Health
Session 5 and 6 – Heart Health
We think this class will be an excellent opportunity for those looking to learn techniques and ideas for staying fit and healthy, and we look forward to working with you and our friends from East End Community Health Centre. To register, email [email protected] or call 416-691-1113 ext. 222

Seniors Assistance Home Maintenance Program Running Again
Toronto Intergenerational Partnerships in Community is offering their Seniors Assistance Home Maintenance Program again this winter. Do you or a senior in your area need assistance with outdoor tasks around the home like snow removal? Contact Kevin at 416-531-8477 ext. 1 or email [email protected] for more details.

SCHC Hospice Palliative Care Volunteers Needed
Did you know that volunteering is good for your health? Please consider volunteering for Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities and make a difference in someone’s life and improve your health through the next three steps.
- Improves physical and mental health
- Provides a sense of purpose and teaches valuable skills
- Nurture new and existing relationships
For details, please see attached flyer for the Open House and Palliative Care volunteer recruitment.
Neighbourhood News
Michael Garron Share the Heart Campaign 🆕

Winter Coyote Sightings 🆕
Seeing more coyotes in your neighbourhood? Coyote mating season falls during January and February which can lead to coyotes being more active and visible. It’s quite normal to see or encounter more coyotes in parks and green spaces across Toronto as they begin their search for a possible mate. They are typically shy and timid in nature and generally do not pose a danger to people, however they have been known to pose a danger for small pets. Here are a few ways to help keep you and your pets safe:
• Always keep your dog close to you and on a leash, especially in areas where coyotes are known to live.
• Never feed coyotes and do not leave food, including pet food, outside.
• Properly dispose of garbage and waste at home and at parks.
• When encountering a coyote, do not run; instead make a loud noise to scare the coyote away.
• Do not approach coyotes, their dens or their young.
• Do not touch coyotes, even if they appear tame, sick or injured.
Most interactions people have with coyotes are a result of a regular food source, caused by people either intentionally or unintentionally leaving food or garbage behind. Feeding wildlife may seem like the kind thing to do, but it can be very harmful. Letting wildlife forage for themselves is truly the only kindness they need.
The City of Toronto in partnership with Coyote Watch Canada has created an e-learning module that provides a lot of great information about coyote behavior and ways that we can co-exist peacefully with our wild neighbours safely. To learn more, visit toronto.ca/Coyotes.

Taylor Creek Trail: Construction Complete! 🆕
City staff have confirmed that the Taylor Creek Trail repaving project is officially complete. If you’re out for in the area, make sure to stop by and walk the trail.

Prevent Frozen Pipes 🆕
Did you know you can avoid frozen pipes with these helpful home tips? See tips & learn more at toronto.ca/frozenpipes:
- Apply foam coverings around indoor water pipes
- Apply weather strips around doors & windows to keep cold air out
- Locate and label your main indoor water shut-off valve, in case your pipes burst and you need
to turn it off - When it is -15C or colder for a few days, you can run a thin stream of cold water from an
indoor faucet to keep movement in pipes - Keep your house warm, even when you are away

Winter Station Installations Revealed
The annual beaches tradition of the Winter Stations art installations is back for the 2023 season! The display will be open beginning February 20, 2023 at Woodbine Beach. Visit the Winter Stations website to check out the incredible design winners of this year’s competition!

Stan Wadlow Survey
The City is improving the playground in Stan Wadlow Park! Share your thoughts on the features and equipment for the new playground in Beaches-East York via an online survey, open now until January 29, 2023. Have your say by clicking here.

Work in the Ward
Sanitary Trunk Sewer Protection work
in Taylor Massey Creek, East of Dawes Road 🆕

Lakeshore Blvd East Construction Information 🆕
Interested in following the progress of the Lakeshore Blvd East construction? Latest construction updates on the City of Toronto and Waterfront Toronto construction of Lake Shore Boulevard East project, including maps, are available at www.PortLandsTO.ca/Construction.
Folks who would like to sign up for newsletters and digital notices related to the work are encouraged to email [email protected].
Information about the City’s planned capital construction work is available at toronto.ca/inview.
Information on the Lake Shore East Construction Hub available here.
Sewer Upgrades – Various Locations

Watermain Replacement on O’Connor Drive from Northline Road to Sunrise Avenue

Toronto Hydro Underground Electrical Upgrade; Project Yardley – O’Connor

O’Connor Drive Improvements

Intersection Improvement Works at Coxwell Avenue and Dundas Street East

Toronto Hydro – Overhead Civil & Electrical Upgrade; Project Danforth

Thanks for taking the time to read my bi-weekly newsletter! If you have any events, news, or ideas to share for our next one – please reach out to my office! Send me an email at [email protected] and we can get you included in our next issue.
Have questions, comments or concerns? Just hit reply to this email and get in touch with me.
For real-time updates on the local issues that matter to you most, please follow any of my social media accounts!