- Nov 17, 2023
- News
E-News: City Council Approves Motion – Turning Empty Office Spaces into Affordable Homes

Hi Friend,
November is a special month, as it gives us the opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices that millions of Canadian soldiers made for our country.
Last Saturday, I had the privilege of joining several Remembrance Day events across Beaches-East York, including each of our four Legions and the Naval Club.
Hundreds strong, at 11am we gathered to pay tribute to those who fought for our freedom and our way of life at the Kew Gardens Remembrance Day Parade and Ceremony; the life that generations past and present have enjoyed.
I know many also took time to pay their respects at the East York Civic Centre ceremony.
I was touched by the large crowds that came out to each event to honour our veterans, past and present – or who took a moment in their own lives to pause and reflect. In particular, the many cadets from every background made me feel grateful that the message and importance of this type of service was being understood by our younger generations.
Ours is truly a special community.
Please read on for more updates from City Hall, and many community events – including the Beaches (Hamper’s) Santa Claus Parade, this Sunday along Kingston Road starting at 1 pm. I hope to see you there.

– Brad

In This Issue
Updates & Announcements from City Hall
- City Hall Updates 🆕
Local Events
- Remembrance Day + Indigenous Veterans Day 🆕
- The Beaches (Hamper’s) Santa Claus Parade 🆕
- Santa in the Beach and Tree Lighting Event in Kew Gardens 🆕
- Beach United’s Christmas Market 🆕
- The Beach & East Toronto Historical Society – Annual General Meeting 🆕
- I Love To Sing – Free Programming for Kids (Fall/Winter Sessions) 🆕
- Beach Guild of Fine Art Presents: Winter Art Show and Sale 🆕
- Christmas Jazz & Reflection 🆕
- Christmas Organ Concert with Manuel Piazza 🆕
- Pegasus Winter Wonderland Showcase & Holiday Benefit 2023 🆕
Community Programs & Employment
- Queer Youth United
- SING Toronto
- SCHC – Fall Bereavement Support Groups
- The Neighbourhood Group – Job Assistance
- Woodgreen’s Meals On Wheels: Volunteers Needed
- Seniors Assistance Home Maintenance (SAHM) Program
- Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub
Neighbourhood News
- Dawes Road Community Hub Information Session & Consultation 🆕
- Toronto Community Crisis Service Expansion 🆕
- 2024 Budget Consultations: In-person & Virtual Meetings 🆕
- TTC Survey: 5-Year Service & Customer Experience Action Plan 🆕
- Micromobility Public Survey 🆕
- Ontario Science Centre Petition
- Notice of Commencement: Scarborough Bluffs West Revitalization Study
- New EV Chargers
- Back to School – Road Safety
Work in the Ward
- O’Connor Construction Update – November 2023
- Storm Sewer Outfall and Pedestrian Bridge Replacement in Taylor Creek Park
- TTC service changes
- Hydro Work: Danforth Overhead Rebuild Phase 2A
City Wide News/Events
- Women4ClimateTO Mentorship Program 🆕
- Embrace Your Inner Artist: Suit Blanche 2024 Calls for Artists 🆕
Additional Information:
- Yard Waste 🆕
- Vision Zero – End of Daylight Savings Time 🆕
- Make the right call! 🆕
Thanks for taking the time to read my bi-weekly newsletter! If you have any events, news, or ideas to share for our next one – please reach out to my office. Send me an email at [email protected], and we can get you included in our next issue.
Updates & Announcements from City Hall
City Hall Updates 🆕
It’s unanimous! Last week my motion to request that City Staff explore the potential to convert empty office space into new housing – especially affordable housing – was approved by City Council. Cities like Calgary have already implemented successful programs and it’s time for Toronto to do the same. In the midst of a housing and affordability crisis, the City of Toronto must continue to remove barriers to the creation of new housing at every opportunity.
More recently, the Toronto & East York Committee Council came together on Wednesday to discuss a number of local priorities. As always, the agenda included a number of new road safety improvements in Beaches-East York.
The Committee also spent time discussing the different ways the City can help support our arts community and preserve our live music venues. As Chair of the Toronto Music Advisory Committee, I will be participating in a dedicated working group to explore opportunities to preserve The Phoenix Concert Hall, a cultural landmark here in Toronto that has hosted artists big and small for over 30 years.
Local Events
Remembrance Day + Indigenous Veterans Day 🆕
On Wednesday, November 8, 2023 I joined my Council colleagues for Indigenous Veterans Day to honour First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples currently in the Armed Forces, those who have served before, as well as those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Thank you for your long legacy of courage and service.
The Beaches (Hamper’s) Santa Claus Parade 🆕
Our local Santa Claus parade is back in style. Thanks to Community Centre 55 for organizing – it’s a great way to get in the holiday spirit.
I’ll be marching in the parade with my family and team – be sure to grab one of our “Santa Claus Please Stop Here” signs for your house!

Santa Claus Parade – Parking Impacts
Starting at 9:00 A.M., J.P Towing will be relocating any vehicles that are parked in the following areas:
- Neil McNeil High School Parking Lot/Property
- Victoria Park Avenue (Bracken Avenue to Kingston Road)
- Kingston Road (Victoria Park Avenue to just west of Walter Street)
- Walter Street (Kingston Road to Lyall Avenue)
- Lyall Avenue (Walter Street to Kimberley Avenue)
- Kimberley Avenue (Lyall Avenue to Swanwick Avenue)
- Swanwick Avenue (Kimberley Avenue to Main Street)
In order to facilitate the safe flow of the procession it will require that the above streets be cleared of vehicles and remain that way until the parade has completed its route.
This also means that no vehicles will have access in and out of private driveways that enter directly onto the parade route until the parade is finished and roads are clear. The area will be identified with “Emergency No Parking” signs.
Residents and local businesses of Kingston Road and area are being asked to make the necessary arrangements to have their vehicles removed before 9:00 A.M. This request is being made in order to avoid any problems locating a vehicle if relocated from the parade route.
If you have any further questions regarding this matter please contact Jade Maitland at 416-691-1113 ext. 224.
For more information on the parade, visit: https://www.centre55.com/comm…/beaches-santa-claus-parade/
Santa in the Beach and Tree Lighting Event in Kew Gardens 🆕
On November 25th, pay a visit to Kew Gardens Park, where Santa will be available to meet children, take photos, and listen to holiday gift wishes. Coupled with this will be the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony. Both are organized by our friends over at the Beach BIA.
For more information, visit: https://to-thebeach.com/events/santa-in-the-beach-tree-lighting.
Beach United’s Christmas Market 🆕
The annual Christmas Market will feature a variety of local artisans along with their baked goods, jams and jellies, handmade jewellery, and so much more.
Taking place in November 25, 2023 from 10am-2pm at Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave.
For more information, visit: beachunitedchurch.com

The Beach & East Toronto Historical Society – Annual General Meeting 🆕
The Beach & East Toronto Historical Society (TBETHS) Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 22.
The details are on the attached poster but in addition to the society’s AGM business there will be an official launch of the new online local history database.
This will be followed by a recognition of the many database volunteers and a social gathering for members and friends of TBETHS.
I hope you can join in at The Beaches Sandbox, 2181 Queen Street East.
For more information, visit: www.tbeths.com
I Love To Sing – Free Programming for Kids (Fall/Winter Sessions) 🆕
I Love to SING! is all about youth. The desire to gather and share the experience of community once again. This program is run at The Redwood Theatre (1300 Gerrard St E).
The educators are amongst the most celebrated vocal coaches in Canada. Jeannie Wyse is a vocal coach at the award-winning triple-threat theatre school at the Randolph Academy.
Urban gospel recording artist Latoya Hall-Downer is Co-owner of Antoine Productions, producer, arranger, trainer. Her album “Your Way” won Album of the Year at the Sterling Gospel Awards.
Ages 14 to 21 are recommended. For accommodations outside of these age ranges, please get in touch with the organizers at [email protected].

Registration is required. To do so, visit: I love to sing! Free programming for kids – Fall sessions | Theredwoodtheatre
Beach Guild of Fine Art Presents: Winter Art Show and Sale 🆕
The Beach Guild of Fine Art (BGFA) will be hosting its Winter Art Show and Sale on November 17, 18th and 19th at the Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Avenue.
The event kicks off with an opening reception, supported by The Richards Group, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Friday, November 17th with the show continuing on Saturday, November 18th from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Sunday, November 19th from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Some of the artists participating are long-time members such as Shelley Cinnamon, Donna Gordon, DeAnne Lamirande, Gail Gregory, and Laraine McMahon-Nelson as well as newer members such as Sunny Mills, Norma Meneguzzi Spall, Oakley Smith, Tina Boroviak, Carolyn Pack, and Samantha Sanella.
While admission to the BGFA Winter Show and Sale is free, attendees are encouraged to bring an item of food to be donated to a local food bank. All are invited to attend the opening reception on Friday, November 17 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Further information on the Beach Guild of Fine Art and the Winter Art Show and Sale can be found at: https://beachguildoffineart.com/

Christmas Jazz & Reflection 🆕
On Saturday, December 9th, Beach United Church (140 Wineva Ave.) will be hosting a special Christmas Jazz & Reflection concert, featuring a repertoire of holiday favorites with Heather Bambrick (vocals), accompanied by Diane Leah (piano) and Jon Maharaj (bass) – please note this is an earlier performance than our regularly scheduled concerts.
Donations are welcome and proceeds support the Beach United food programs. The show starts at 2:30pm.
For more information visit: https://beachunitedchurch.com/2023/11/christmas-jazz-reflection/
Be sure to RSVP at: https://www.zeffy.com/en-CA/ticketing/9827bf63-2e8e-43af-b9f5-ac59ff96ffa8

Christmas Organ Concert with Manuel Piazza 🆕
On Saturday, December 16th, Beach United Church (140 Wineva Ave.) will be hosting a special Advent and Christmas-themed Organ Concert with Manuel Piazza at 4:30pm. Prepare for a diverse selection of organ favourites to get you in the holiday mood.
Entry is freewill donation, and proceeds go towards Beach United’s food programs.
RSVP here for our Christmas Organ Concert with Manuel Piazza.

Pegasus Winter Wonderland Showcase & Holiday Benefit 2023 🆕
Pegasus Dance Studios invites you to their Winter Wonderland Showcase 2023! This year, Pegasus will be raising funds for The Art For Aid Project to support Canadian First Nations, Inuit and Metis art education programs.
Show will be help on December 9th at 4:30pm and 6:30pm at 361 Glebeholme Blvd. The dance performance will be couple with a bake sale.
Art supplies and proceeds will be donated to the Art for Aid Project. For more information visit: Indigenous Art Help – The Art for Aid Project
Community Programs & Employment Events
Queer Youth United
Queer Youth United (QYU) at Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave. every Tuesday from 4-8pm.
QYU is is a 2SLGBTQ+ youth group for ages 15-29, where you can come and engage with others in a safe space within the community, while sharing meals, finding support and resources.
You are welcome to drop-by at any time during the 4pm-8pm time period!
For more info: instagram.com/QueerYouthUnited or beachunitedchurch.com.

SCHC – Fall Bereavement Support Groups
Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities is a not-for-profit organization that provides a variety of holistic programs to support the health and well-being of the community. One of the programs offered is the Bereavement Peer – Support Groups. They provide several different types of virtual and in-person options.
For more information, please visit: SCHC – Bereavement Care.

The Neighbourhood Group – Job Assistance
The Neighbourhood Group is offering FREE Employment Services to help you prepare for and find work. Whether you’re out of school and looking for a job, new to Canada and want your first Canadian work experience, looking to change your career, or trying to get back into the workforce, they have various training programs, work placements, workshops, online job board, and resource centres.
For more information, visit The Neighbourhood Group.

Woodgreen’s Meals On Wheels: Volunteers Needed
WoodGreen is one of the largest social service agencies in Toronto with a Meals On Wheels program that has operated for over 25 years in Toronto’s east end to residents who reside anywhere from the Don Valley Parkway in the west to Victoria Park Avenue to the east, and south of Danforth Avenue to Lake Ontario.
WoodGreen Community Services is seeking help from local residents for the Meals On Wheels program, a service dedicated to increasing food security and independent living for seniors and adults with disabilities.
They are looking for volunteer drivers, usually with their own vehicles, who transport the Meals from Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital in Riverdale which provides the meals. They are also looking for volunteer runners, who package the Meals on route and deliver them to seniors who may otherwise be left without an accessible source of nutritious food.
For more information on the Meals On Wheels program and to volunteer as a DRIVER or RUNNER, please send an email to [email protected], or call 416-405-5059.

Seniors Assistance Home Maintenance (SAHM) Program
The Seniors Assistance Home Maintenance (SAHM) program has been organized to support the seniors community with services ranging from garden and yard work to light housekeeping.
If you or anyone you know is looking for more assistance around their home, contact Kevin at 416-531-8447 or email [email protected] for more information.

Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub
We’re thrilled to share that in-person services are available at the Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub, a new welcoming space at East York Town Centre that provides health, wellness, employment and other services for youth and young adults! To access services, come by the Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub during its drop-in hours: Monday to Friday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
It is located at East York Town Centre, 45 Overlea Blvd. (Please use mall Entrance 6; the Youth Wellness Hub is located beside Dollarama). All services are free and open to everyone aged 12 to 25. Youth and young adults do not need a health card, family doctor or medical referral. Services include wellness counselling, peer support, employment services, settlement services, food support, primary care and more. No matter what you might be dealing with, their team can help.
For more information, please visit Thorncliffe Youth Club or follow them on Instagram @ThorncliffeYouthHub.

Neighbourhood News
Dawes Road Library 🆕
This month marked the start of planning for the new 5,500 square foot Community Hub. I am grateful for the passionate Taylor Massey community members who joined the kick-off meeting to share their dreams for this new space in a beautiful new public library.

Toronto Community Crisis Service Expansion 🆕
Earlier this month, Toronto City Council approved a plan to expand the Toronto Community Crisis Service (TCCS) city-wide by the end of 2024. Following a successful first year of TCCS operations in 64 per cent of Toronto, the city-wide expansion of the community-based service will continue to contribute to the well-being of Torontonians and community safety.
TCCS connects those in crisis to community-based, client-centred, trauma-informed and culturally appropriate support. The service provides crisis intervention, follow-up care and support and case management.
The TCCS reduces police engagement and increases community-based solutions that connect people in crisis to much-needed mental health and well-being programs and services. This community-based service prioritizes the community safety and well-being of Toronto’s most vulnerable populations.
For more information, visit: www.toronto.ca/CrisisService
2024 Budget Consultations: In-person & Virtual Meetings 🆕
In-person and virtual consultations on the 2024 Budget start Monday, November 20. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your ideas about the City’s 2024 Budget and Toronto’s future.
If you can’t attend one of 16 in-person or virtual consultations, you can still complete the online survey, share your ideas, and review and respond to other ideas until November 30.
To register to attend or to complete the survey, visit the City’s Budget webpage: www.toronto.ca/budget.
TTC Survey: 5-Year Service & Customer Experience Action Plan 🆕
Currently, the TTC is in the final of four rounds of engagement on the 5-Year Service and Customer Experience Action Plan. In this round, they want to understand to what degree customers support their Draft Plan. Customer feedback is crucial for improving aspects such as the express bus network, regional transit integration, safety measures, trip planning, real-time information, stops, station amenities, and cleanliness.
The 5-Year Service and Customer Experience Action Plan combines what had previously been two separate plans into one long-term plan that will provide strategic direction for TTC service and customer experience from 2024 to 2028. The TTC will use this plan to improve the customer experience, make decisions about how to spend funding, and adjust service to meet customer needs and adapt to new realities.
Customers are invited to share their feedback on the TTC’s draft plan between November 13 – December 1.
More information on the draft plan and survey are available at https://ttc5yearplans.ca/.
Micromobility Public Survey 🆕
A public survey is now open until December 13 on the City’s micromobility webpage.
The feedback from the survey will be used, along with other public engagement, research and input, to develop the micromobility strategy. Given the many diverse perspectives on micromobility, the range of issues and micromobility vehicle types, the report back will be in Q2 2024 in order to provide some additional public engagement in Q1 2024 to support the work in the report back.
Ontario Science Centre Petition
The Ontario Science Centre (OSC) has been under threat and the Government of Ontario plans to demolish it. If you are against this occurring, sign the petition by visiting: https://savesciencecentre.com/

Notice of Commencement: Scarborough Bluffs West Revitalization Study 🆕
The City of Toronto and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) have initiated an Environmental Assessment for the Scarborough Bluffs West Revitalization Study (SBW).
The SBW study will explore the renewal of and improvements to approximately 4.5 km of Lake Ontario shoreline, from Balmy Beach at Silver Birch Avenue to Bluffer’s Park. The study will explore opportunities to preserve and enhance the Bluffs’ natural features and minimize hazards such as erosion, while improving how the public access, move through, and experience the waterfront. Please see the attached Notice of Commencement for more information.
The public will have opportunities for input at key stages throughout the project. Consultation will start in the coming weeks, and opportunities will be advertised on the project website, by email, in local newspapers, on social media pages, and through mail to households and businesses in the area. More information, including details about the first round of public consultation, will be shared at toronto.ca/ScarboroughBluffsWest.
To ensure you receive project updates including information about consultations, register for the project mailing list.
New EV Chargers
Toronto Parking Authority (TPA) is pleased to announce the installation of six (6) L2 Electric Vehicle chargers in Car Park 183 located at 166 Woodbine Ave. This surface car park facility contains 21 parking spaces and can be accessed off Woodbine Avenue or Boardwalk Drive. The operation of the 6 EV chargers in Car Park 183 commenced on October 20, 2023.
Go check them out!

Work in the Ward
O’Connor Construction Update – November 2023
The sidewalk replacement and road reconstruction project on O’Connor Drive from St Clair Avenue East to Bermondsey Road is ongoing. As part of the work, the contractor will replace sections of damaged sidewalks, excavate the road, and install a new concrete road base. This will see Pedestrian Improvements, Vehicular Traffic Improvements, Sustainability/Green Features, and Underground Infrastructure Improvements.
Update: During construction, it was discovered that sections of the existing cast iron watermain were in extremely poor condition. Completing a watermain replacement during the current road reconstruction would extend the service life of the road and result in cost savings due to reduced maintenance of the existing watermain.
In October 2023, Toronto City Council authorized Engineering and Construction Services to undertake this additional work. The project now includes watermain replacement on O’Connor Drive between Sandra Road and Bermondsey Road.
Due to the additional scope of work, the overall project is expected to be complete by Summer 2024.
My office continues to monitor the ongoing construction, which we know has been very disruptive for anyone attempting to travel through the area. We have continued to request additional notice for any closures that are required, and to maintain as many lanes for travel as possible. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please reach out to my office.
For the latest updates on the project and any required road closures, please check here.

Storm Sewer Outfall and Pedestrian Bridge Replacement in Taylor Creek Park
The City of Toronto plans to restore sections of Taylor Massey Creek and Ferris Creek that have been damaged due to creek erosion. Work is scheduled to commence this November and expected to end in April 2024.
Sections of the Taylor Creek Trail will be closed, however, a trail detour will be in place during the duration of construction.

TTC service changes still in effect
501 Queen
The 501 Queen route will generally operate along the following sections until further notice, unless a temporary diversion is required such as upcoming work at Queen and De Grassi (see below).
- West-end: 501 Queen streetcars will operate between Roncesvalles Avenue and McCaul Loop (Queen and McCaul). Once construction along The Queensway is completed, streetcars are anticipated to resume travel as far west as Long Branch Loop.
- Downtown: 501B Queen replacement buses will continue to operate between Queen Street/Bathurst Street and Broadview Avenue/Gerrard Street, diverting around the Queen Street closure due to Ontario Line work.
501D Queen buses are currently operating in the east end on Queen Street between Church Street and Neville Park Loop.
Starting October 8 until further notice, the 501D Queen route will convert into a streetcar service.
503 Kingston Rd
- 503 Kingston Rd bus will continue to operate between Bingham Loop and King and York streets.
505 Dundas
- 505 Dundas streetcars are currently operating between Dundas West Station and Kingston-Queen Loop.
506 Carlton
- 506 Carlton streetcars have returned to Main Street Station, operating through the east-end regularly.
- 506C Carlton replacement buses will no longer be operating due to the resumption of 506 Carlton streetcars to Main Street Station.

Hydro Work: Danforth Overhead Rebuild Phase 2A
Toronto Hydro is currently doing some upgrades on Danforth. The boundaries for the project include Dentonia Park Avenue (North), Thyra Avenue (East), Danforth Avenue (South), and Avonlea Boulevard (West).

City Wide Events
Women4CimateTO Mentorship Program 🆕
Attention all inspiring women in Toronto! The time has come to turbocharge your climate-related initiative or startup business. The City is thrilled to announce the launch of the much-anticipated Women4ClimateTO Mentorship Program!
Applications are now open for the City’s Women4ClimateTO Mentorship Program, which offers mentoring, networking and collaborative learning opportunities to help local women take their climate-related initiatives or start-up businesses to the next level.
Now in its fourth year, the program supports the City’s TransformTO Strategy.
The City welcomes applications from women of diverse backgrounds. Women with disabilities and those who are Indigenous, Black and from other equity-deserving groups are encouraged to apply.
Applications will be accepted until Monday, November 20. More information is available on the City’s website: www.toronto.ca/livegreen

Embrace Your Inner Artist: Nuit Blanche 2024 Calls for Artists 🆕
Ready to light up the night with your creativity? Nuit Blanche Toronto is back for the 18th year and the City is looking for Exhibition Curators and talented artists to be a part of the magic on October 5, 2024.
Nuit Blanche Toronto is thrilled to announce the theme “Bridging Distance,” curated by the newly appointed Artistic Director, Laura Nanni. If you have any spectacular ideas for the upcoming Nuit Blanche, let them know!
For information on project submissions and deadlines, visit the Nuit Blanche Call for Submissions webpage: www.toronto.ca/explore-enjoy/festivals-events/nuitblanche/call-for-submissions.
Additional Information
Yard Waste 🆕
The City picks up yard waste every other week on garbage collection day from mid-March to mid-December as well as Christmas trees in January. Yard waste can also be taken to one of the City’s Drop-Off Depots year-round.
The yard waste that is collected is turned into compost, some of which is offered to the public for free at Community Environment Days. The City’s yard waste program allows it to divert approximately 90,000 tonnes of yard waste from landfill each year.
Consider leaving the fallen leaves on your lawn and garden until the spring. Native pollinator species in Toronto need plant litter such as fallen leaves and dead hollow stems to nest and survive the cold winter months. Learn more about Alternative Ways to Maintain Yards.

Vision Zero – End of Daylight Savings Time 🆕
As we transition back to standard time, it’s important to recognize that this change results in reduced daylight hours, affecting visibility for everyone on our roads. Did you know that in Toronto, pedestrian collisions surged by over 30 per cent during the evening commute from November to March?
Your safety matters. The City urges all residents, particularly drivers, to stay vigilant and mindful of one another while navigating our roads. Let’s prioritize safety as we share the streets. People crossing in the evening are now more challenging to see. Drivers should check headlights and signal lights, drive slowly, turn with caution and obey the speed limit
Learn more at www.toronto.ca/VisionZero
Make the right call! 🆕
This month, the City of Toronto, in partnership with the Toronto Police Service, unveiled the “Make the Right Call” social media campaign.
The campaign aims to increase awareness among Toronto residents about when to call 311, 211, 911, the police non-emergency line or when to file an online police report.
The five-week campaign will highlight a different service number weekly, accompanied by compelling real-life scenarios that illustrate precisely when to make that specific call.
Learn more and see a few campaign graphics on the City’s “Make the Right Call” webpage: www.toronto.ca/home/311-toronto-at-your-service/make-the-right-call.