Hi Neighbour,
Another two weeks have flown by – with lots happening in the community. Halloween was a busy time for the Bradford bunch, with Briar decked out as Princess Elsa and Bronwyn bundled up as a strawberry for her first spooky season outing. Kathryn and I had a blast with the kids going door-to-door, checking out decorations, and loading up on candy.
I had the exciting opportunity to take part in Local Governance Week, visiting four elementary and high schools across the ward to talk to students about the value of local politics. It’s so important that we engage young people in local government, and it was a privilege to speak with so many about the issues that matter most to them. I’m also reminded that educators have some of the toughest jobs out there, and I commend all the dedicated teachers and staff for their tireless work in guiding this next generation of community leaders.
We were also able to finally break ground on 6 Dawes Road; the largest purpose-built rental project in the ward. When it’s done, the site will deliver high-quality rental apartments steps away from transit.
My congratulations again to Bob Gore, who was named Beach Citizen of the Year. Bob has been an outstanding volunteer, advocate, and leader for many years in the neighbourhood, including surrporting Neighbourhood Link Homes and helping found The Beach BIA. His tireless efforts have improved so many cornerstone organizations of our community.
And as red poppies start reappearing on our jackets, I’m reminded that Remembrance Day is just one week away. This is a solemn time to remember and honour those who fought to protect our peace, defend our freedoms, and preserve our way of life. I’ll be in attendance this weekend for the Branch 11 Remembrance Parade and Service to honour those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for all of us, and will be taking part in the local ceremonies next Saturday. Please join as you are able; or take a moment of silence at 11am to reflect and remember.
In the meantime, take a look below to see the latest news at City Hall, community events and local updates.
See you out there,

– Brad

In This Issue
Updates & Announcements from City Hall
- City Hall Updates 🆕
Local Events
- Family Wellness Event at APOD 🆕
- Jazz & Reflection featuring Emily & Jack Steinwall 🆕
- Beach United’s Christmas Market 🆕
- Seniors Pasta Night 🆕
Community Programs & Employment
- Queer Youth United 🆕
- Flu Clinic 🆕
- Call for Volunteers – EY Canada Day Festival 🆕
- SING Toronto
- SCHC – Fall Bereavement Support Groups
- The Neighbourhood Group – Job Assistance
- Woodgreen’s Meals On Wheels: Volunteers Needed
- Seniors Assistance Home Maintenance (SAHM) Program
- Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub
Neighbourhood News
- Dawes Road Community Hub Information Session & Consultation 🆕
- Ontario Science Centre Petition 🆕
- Notice of Commencement: Scarborough Bluffs West Revitalization Study 🆕
- New EV Chargers
- Back to School – Road Safety
- Coyote Sightings
Work in the Ward
- O’Connor Construction Update – November 2023 🆕
- Storm Sewer Outfall and Pedestrian Bridge Replacement in Taylor Creek Park
- TTC service changes
- Staircase Repair at Coxwell Subway Station
- Hydro Work: Danforth Overhead Rebuild Phase 2A
Thanks for taking the time to read my bi-weekly newsletter! If you have any events, news, or ideas to share for our next one – please reach out to my office. Send me an email at [email protected], and we can get you included in our next issue.
Updates & Announcements from City Hall
City Hall Updates 🆕
Housing affordability continues to be a top priority for me at City Hall.
Last week at the City’s Planning and Housing Committee, I moved a motion asking City Staff to examine the feasibility of allowing the conversion of vacant office space into new housing – especially affordable housing. Cities like Calgary have already put in place successful office conversion programs and it’s time for Toronto to do the same.
Next week City Council will meet to discuss a number of important items. This month’s meeting includes an update to the City’s Vision Zero Safety Plan, which is aimed at making our streets safe for all users.
Among the list of new changes includes something that I’ve long advocated for: an expansion of the types of areas eligible for Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) cameras. It’s a smart, effective tool to reduce speeding within our neighbourhoods and protect vulnerable road users and pedestrians.
Local Events
Family Wellness Event at APOD 🆕
Access Alliance’s Family Wellbeing Program Team will be hosting a Family Wellness Event on Saturday, November 4, 2023 from 1pm – 4pm at AccessPoint on Danforth (3079 Danforth Avenue).
The Family Wellbeing Pilot Program is a City of Toronto funded program that works with community organizations in Zone 5 (Scarborough). Agencies leading the program support parents, guardians, caregivers, extended family members, and community members with youth, aged 10-29 experiencing violence and gang involvement, with access to community resources and services and on-going wrap-around support.
The Family Wellness Event is for newcomers and residents of Oakridge and surrounding communities such as Taylor-Massey, Victoria Village, and Warden Woods. Families can take part in the following activities:
- Encouragement button-making
- Rocks in our life activity
- Story telling through tea
- Self-care kits and tips
- Games and activities, such as giant Jenga and Connect 4!
- Refreshments and snacks from around the world
Families must register for this event to join in fun-filled activities suitable for the whole family! Please share with your clients, community members and networks.

Jazz & Reflection featuring Emily & Jack Steinwall 🆕
Taking place in November 4, 2023 at 4:30pm at Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave.
Join us for our second Jazz & Reflection concert of the season featuring an incredible sibling duo on saxophone, bass, and more. Donations are welcome and proceeds support the Beach United food programs.
More info: beachunitedchurch.com.

Beach United’s Christmas Market 🆕
The annual Christmas Market will feature a variety of local artisans along with their baked goods, jams and jellies, handmade jewellery, and so much more.
Taking place in November 25, 2023 from 10am-2pm at Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave.
More info: beachunitedchurch.com.

Seniors Pasta Night 🆕
The Seniors Pasta Night reservation list is now open. Pasta night is happening on Friday, November 10, 2023 at 4:30PM.
Please note there are very limited spaces so please ensure you register and drop off payment.
To register please call 416-691-1113 or email [email protected].

Community Programs & Employment
Queer Youth United 🆕
Queer Youth United (QYU) at Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave. every Tuesday from 4-8pm beginning October 3, 2023.
QYU is is a 2SLGBTQ+ youth group for ages 15-29, where you can come and engage with others in a safe space within the community, while sharing meals, finding support and resources.
You are welcome to drop-by at any time during the 4pm-8pm time period! More info: instagram.com/QueerYouthUnited or beachunitedchurch.com.

Flu Clinic 🆕
As the Flu season continues, we want to ensure you have ample opportunity to get the flu vaccine. East End Community Health Centre is offering a Clinic on Monday, November 13, 2023 for anyone between the ages of 6 months and 65+.
We will have limited spots for seniors 65+ between 3:45 to 4:45PM, and limited spots for anyone between 6 months to 64 years old between 4:45PM and 6:45. Pre-registration is required.

Call for Volunteers – EY Canada Day Festival 🆕
The poor turnout in October for the East York Canada Day Parade and Festival AGM is a reminder of how crucial it is that members of the community step up and volunteer to serve on the organizing committee if the event is to take place in 2024 and beyond. Please reach out at [email protected] for details about how to volunteer.
The next committee meeting is November 15, 2023 at 7pm at Stan Wadlow Clubhouse.
This is a much beloved event. We are counting on our community.
We look forward to seeing some new faces on November 15, 2023.
SING Toronto
SING! Toronto International Vocal Arts Festival in partnership with the Redwood Theatre will be organizing a singing program with the finest instructors, Randolph Academy’s Jeannie Wyse and Latoya Hall-Downer.
They welcome all who want to learn and sing! The next session will be on November 4, 2023. To learn more, visit: singtoronto.com.

SCHC – Fall Bereavement Support Groups
Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities is a not-for-profit organization that provides a variety of holistic programs to support the health and well-being of the community. One of the programs offered is the Bereavement Peer – Support Groups. They provide several different types of virtual and in-person options.
For more information, please visit: SCHC – Bereavement Care.

The Neighbourhood Group – Job Assistance
The Neighbourhood Group is offering FREE Employment Services to help you prepare for and find work. Whether you’re out of school and looking for a job, new to Canada and want your first Canadian work experience, looking to change your career, or trying to get back into the workforce, they have various training programs, work placements, workshops, online job board, and resource centres.
For more information, visit The Neighbourhood Group.

Woodgreen’s Meals On Wheels: Volunteers Needed
WoodGreen is one of the largest social service agencies in Toronto with a Meals On Wheels program that has operated for over 25 years in Toronto’s east end to residents who reside anywhere from the Don Valley Parkway in the west to Victoria Park Avenue to the east, and south of Danforth Avenue to Lake Ontario.
WoodGreen Community Services is seeking help from local residents for the Meals On Wheels program, a service dedicated to increasing food security and independent living for seniors and adults with disabilities.
They are looking for volunteer drivers, usually with their own vehicles, who transport the Meals from Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital in Riverdale which provides the meals. They are also looking for volunteer runners, who package the Meals on route and deliver them to seniors who may otherwise be left without an accessible source of nutritious food.
For more information on the Meals On Wheels program and to volunteer as a DRIVER or RUNNER, please send an email to [email protected], or call 416-405-5059.

Seniors Assistance Home Maintenance (SAHM) Program
The Seniors Assistance Home Maintenance (SAHM) program has been organized to support the seniors community with services ranging from garden and yard work to light housekeeping.
If you or anyone you know is looking for more assistance around their home, contact Kevin at 416-531-8447 or email [email protected] for more information.

Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub
We’re thrilled to share that in-person services are available at the Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub, a new welcoming space at East York Town Centre that provides health, wellness, employment and other services for youth and young adults! To access services, come by the Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub during its drop-in hours: Monday to Friday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
It is located at East York Town Centre, 45 Overlea Blvd. (Please use mall Entrance 6; the Youth Wellness Hub is located beside Dollarama). All services are free and open to everyone aged 12 to 25. Youth and young adults do not need a health card, family doctor or medical referral. Services include wellness counselling, peer support, employment services, settlement services, food support, primary care and more. No matter what you might be dealing with, their team can help.
For more information, please visit Thorncliffe Youth Club or follow them on Instagram @ThorncliffeYouthHub.

Neighbourhood News
Dawes Road Community Hub Information Session & Consultation 🆕
As part of our efforts to develop an engagement and operation plan for the Community Hub at Dawes Road Library, WoodGreen & TNO will be hosting a virtual Information Session and Consultation with community members on Monday, November 6, 2023 from 6pm to 8pm. Email [email protected] for the log-in details for the virtual meeting.
This session aims to identify community needs and gaps for the Community Hub, as well as recruit residents to the Project Advisory Group for feedback on the project implementation. Click here to learn more about the Project Advisory Group.

Ontario Science Centre Petition 🆕
The Ontario Science Centre (OSC) has been under threat and the Government of Ontario plans to demolish it. If you are against this occurring, sign the petition by visiting Save Ontario’s Science Centre.
Notice of Commencement: Scarborough Bluffs West Revitalization Study 🆕
The City of Toronto and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) have initiated an Environmental Assessment for the Scarborough Bluffs West Revitalization Study (SBW).
The SBW study will explore the renewal of and improvements to approximately 4.5 km of Lake Ontario shoreline, from Balmy Beach at Silver Birch Avenue to Bluffer’s Park. The study will explore opportunities to preserve and enhance the Bluffs’ natural features and minimize hazards such as erosion, while improving how the public access, move through, and experience the waterfront. Please see the attached Notice of Commencement for more information.
The public will have opportunities for input at key stages throughout the project. Consultation will start in the coming weeks, and opportunities will be advertised on the project website, by email, in local newspapers, on social media pages, and through mail to households and businesses in the area. More information, including details about the first round of public consultation, will be shared at toronto.ca/ScarboroughBluffsWest.
To ensure you receive project updates including information about consultations, register for the project mailing list.
New EV Chargers
Toronto Parking Authority (TPA) is pleased to announce the installation of six (6) L2 Electric Vehicle chargers in Car Park 183 located at 166 Woodbine Ave. This surface car park facility contains 21 parking spaces and can be accessed off Woodbine Avenue or Boardwalk Drive. The operation of the 6 EV chargers in Car Park 183 commenced on October 20, 2023.
Go check them out!

Coyote Sightings
Seeing more coyotes in your neighbourhood? It’s quite normal to see or encounter more coyotes in parks and green spaces across Toronto. They are typically shy and timid in nature and generally do not pose a danger to people, however they have been known to pose a danger for small pets. Here are a few ways to help keep you and your pets safe:
• Always keep your dog close to you and on a leash, especially in areas where coyotes are known to live.
• Never feed coyotes and do not leave food, including pet food, outside.
• Properly dispose of garbage and waste at home and at parks.
• When encountering a coyote, do not run; instead make a loud noise to scare the coyote away.
• Do not approach coyotes, their dens or their young.
• Do not touch coyotes, even if they appear tame, sick or injured.
Most interactions people have with coyotes are a result of a regular food source, caused by people either intentionally or unintentionally leaving food or garbage behind. Feeding wildlife may seem like the kind thing to do, but it can be very harmful. Letting wildlife forage for themselves is truly the only kindness they need.
The City of Toronto in partnership with Coyote Watch Canada has created an e-learning module that provides a lot of great information about coyote behavior and ways that we can co-exist peacefully with our wild neighbours safely.
To learn more, visit toronto.ca/Coyotes.
Work in the Ward
O’Connor Construction Update – November 2023 🆕
The sidewalk replacement and road reconstruction project on O’Connor Drive from St Clair Avenue East to Bermondsey Road is ongoing. As part of the work, the contractor will replace sections of damaged sidewalks, excavate the road, and install a new concrete road base. This will see Pedestrian Improvements, Vehicular Traffic Improvements, Sustainability/Green Features, and Underground Infrastructure Improvements.
Update: During construction, it was discovered that sections of the existing cast iron watermain were in extremely poor condition. Completing a watermain replacement during the current road reconstruction would extend the service life of the road and result in cost savings due to reduced maintenance of the existing watermain.
In October 2023, Toronto City Council authorized Engineering and Construction Services to undertake this additional work. The project now includes watermain replacement on O’Connor Drive between Sandra Road and Bermondsey Road.
Due to the additional scope of work, the overall project is expected to be complete by Summer 2024.
My office continues to monitor the ongoing construction, which we know has been very disruptive for anyone attempting to travel through the area. We have continued to request additional notice for any closures that are required, and to maintain as many lanes for travel as possible. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please reach out to my office.
For the latest updates on the project and any required road closures, please check here.

Storm Sewer Outfall and Pedestrian Bridge Replacement in Taylor Creek Park
The City of Toronto plans to restore sections of Taylor Massey Creek and Ferris Creek that have been damaged due to creek erosion. Work is scheduled to commence this November and expected to end in April 2024.
Sections of the Taylor Creek Trail will be closed, however, a trail detour will be in place during the duration of construction.

TTC service changes still in effect
501 Queen
The 501 Queen route will generally operate along the following sections until further notice, unless a temporary diversion is required such as upcoming work at Queen and De Grassi (see below).
- West-end: 501 Queen streetcars will operate between Roncesvalles Avenue and McCaul Loop (Queen and McCaul). Once construction along The Queensway is completed, streetcars are anticipated to resume travel as far west as Long Branch Loop.
- Downtown: 501B Queen replacement buses will continue to operate between Queen Street/Bathurst Street and Broadview Avenue/Gerrard Street, diverting around the Queen Street closure due to Ontario Line work.
501D Queen buses are currently operating in the east end on Queen Street between Church Street and Neville Park Loop.
Starting October 8 until further notice, the 501D Queen route will convert into a streetcar service.
503 Kingston Rd
- 503 Kingston Rd bus will continue to operate between Bingham Loop and King and York streets.
505 Dundas
- 505 Dundas streetcars are currently operating between Dundas West Station and Kingston-Queen Loop.
506 Carlton
- 506 Carlton streetcars have returned to Main Street Station, operating through the east-end regularly.
- 506C Carlton replacement buses will no longer be operating due to the resumption of 506 Carlton streetcars to Main Street Station.

Staircase Repair at Coxwell Subway Station
As part of the TTC’s state of good repair program, they will be conducting repairs to one of the staircases at Coxwell Station between July 24, 2023 and October 2023. Coxwell Station has two sets of stairs and an escalator taking customers up to bus platform level/street level. During this work, only one staircase will be closed for repair – the escalator, second set of stairs and elevators will remain open for customers. All work will take place behind construction hoarding.
Hydro Work: Danforth Overhead Rebuild Phase 2A
Toronto Hydro is currently doing some upgrades on Danforth. The boundaries for the project include Dentonia Park Avenue (North), Thyra Avenue (East), Danforth Avenue (South), and Avonlea Boulevard (West).

Thanks for taking the time to read my bi-weekly newsletter! If you have any events, news, or ideas to share for our next one – please reach out to my office! Send me an email at [email protected] and we can get you included in our next issue.
Have questions, comments or concerns? Just hit reply to this email and get in touch with me.
For real-time updates on the local issues that matter to you most, please follow any of my social media accounts!