Latest News

Anti-Black racism, police funding,...

Thank you to everyone who has reached to me about racism in our communities, police funding and our shared future. I've received more than 5,000 messages this week. Our collective response to tragedy and injustice has been inspiring and humbling....

Confronting racism in our community

With the hurt and anger so many are feeling right now, it's important to speak up in solidarity.

#DestinationDanforth - Danforth Bike...

Mayor Tory just announced that the City is proposing to fast-track implementing 40km of cycling infrastructure across Toronto, including the Danforth. This is the right thing to do to help our local businesses recover from this pandemic, restore...

An Update on Small Business as Ontario...

Hi everyone,  As we start to reopen the economy now felt like as good a time as any to share an update. Lots of detail below but two key points to highlight: Yesterday, PM Trudeau announced that the Commercial Emergency Rent Assistance...

Urging the Province to Stop Commercial...

With the Ontario legislature reconvening today and the Premier asking for emergency powers to be extended until June 2nd, Toronto City Councillor Brad Bradford and the small business community are calling on the Province to introduce a moratorium...

East Ender-tainment Music Series!

After being postponed by a Council meeting last week, we're back for the finale of East Endertainment! We'll be joined by some incredible artists to end this series and I can't wait for showtime. is also back to continue...

Support Small Business and Stop...

May 1st is just over 24 hours away. We need to stop small business evictions until money starts flowing from the Federal-Provincial rent assistance program. This will incentivize landlords to sign-up and make the program more impactful. I wrote to...

Updates for Small Businesses (Part 2)

Hi everyone,  I hope you’re keeping well as can be. It’s been a few weeks since my last update. I wanted to make sure we continue to be close (virtual) contact. By now, you’ll likely know the main headlines but I’ve provided a...

Supporting Toronto's Artists

We have many incredible artists in Beaches-East York. Regardless of what medium they practice, our local artists are hurting. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in cancelled shows, festivals, and performances. It's vital that we continue to support...

A 24-Hour Virtual Ride to #CRUSHCOVID!

Hi there, In these uncertain times, the East End is finding new ways to channel our relentless drive to dig deep, come together and give back. Michael Garron Hospital Foundation and Toronto Hustle are hosting a 24-hour...